Saturday, May 22, 2010

Splinter's Cabin to Calhoun Pass

    After a good night of rest, in a pristine campsite.  We hiked the 7 miles to the hot was wonderful.  For those of you who have not been there, it was a small oasis in the desert, naturally occurring hot springs just waiting for the wary hiker to soak their feet and more.  It proved to make for a wonderful afternoon.  Our only regret was that we couldn't stay.

    Over the next 3 miles we encountered 2 rattle snakes which was quite an excitement.  That unnerved Zero to the end.  Fire Marshall came to the rescue and skillfully moved one of the snakes off the trail and the other we had to skirt around.

    We came to the Mojave Damn and had a waist high stream crossing.  There we met a new friend, Seamus, who decided to hike with us in the hopes of getting a ride from trail Angel Jane.  The original plan was to hike most of the night, pull another 17 miles and get to Silverwood Lake to meet up with Jane and Dave.  This was not to happen Zero's feet were shredded by the desert sand, so we found a wonderful spot as did many other hikers shortly after Deep Creek.

    In the morning we blazed on trying to make up time and catch up with Jane and Dave with our new hiking partner.  Low and behold who did we find exercising on the trail but it was Jane.  Jane skillfully lead us back to the campsite, all downhill and only 2 miles according to her, but she was being very optimistic.

    At the lake campground Zero's feet wouldn't take it anymore for that day and Fire Marshall was feeling weary as well.  Friday wanting to prove to herself that she could do a marathon plus, did an additional 14 miles to Calhoun Pass with Seamus, accomplishing her goal.  The rest of the team was very proud of Fridays accomplishment and we all headed back to Pasadena for a much needed day off.

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